Plan a Landmark Summer Vacation

Five Ways To Personalize Your Campsite

Are you looking for ways to spruce up your campsite on your next camping trip? After all, your camper is your home away from home-- it might as well feel like one! There are a few easy, creative ways to make your campsite feel more like your own.


Of course, the campfire provides the majority of nighttime light when you're camping, but adding lights around the campsite gives it a personal touch. A string of lights around an awning, tiki lights stuck in the ground, or whatever strikes your fancy. As an added benefit, your campsite will be better lit, meaning less likelihood of a nighttime slip and fall.

Holiday touches

Summertime is camping season, so there are good odds that if you're camping around a holiday, it's the Fourth of July. Is there anything better than a Fourth of July campfire? Well, yes-- a Fourth of July campfire surrounded by festive decorations. The possibility for great campsite decorating only grows stronger as you push later into the year-- at least, if your climate allows it. Plus, a spooky Halloween camping trip is something everyone should experience at least once.

Comfy chairs

The traditional campsite picnic bench is a staple, yes. But there's something to be said for a comfortable chair next to a warm fire. Investing in some quality camp chairs will not only make your site more inviting-- it will make your camping experience even more enjoyable.


Anyone can turn on the radio and play some music around the campsite. Having a guitar, and, hopefully, someone who knows how to play it, can really add to the campfire experience. Sing-a-longs around the fire are great for bonding, and you may even meet some fellow music enthusiasts at nearby camps. Of course, for the sake of your fellow campers, keep the music volume to a sensible level.

Camp book

A camp book is a fun way to meet new people. Set up a station on a table or chair near the front of your campsite with a blank journal and a couple of pens, and encourage those who stop by to sign your guest book. Whether you strike up a conversation then and there, or later read their entry and realize you're from the same hometown, a camp book is an excellent souvenir to bring back from any camping trip.

Personal touches will really help your campsite feel like home.

to learn more, contact an RV park like Beach RV Park
